Fiber Optics
From network design to emergency troubleshooting and everything in between, Teleworks provides quality, experienced fiber optic services to customers in Connecticut, and the surrounding areas.
We are part of the Corning Network of Preferred Installers (NPI), which means our fiber-optic network designers and installers are Corning-certified and held to the highest standards in the industry.
And with 27 years in fiber optics, we’ve seen and handled just about everything.
Fiber Optic Services in Connecticut
Fiber Optic Termination, and Testing Service
Fiber optic termination – Fiber optic termination is the connection of fiber or wire to a device, such as a wall outlet or equipment, which allows for connecting the cable to other cables or devices. Proper fiber optic termination will protect the fibers from dirt or damage while in use and prevent excessive loss of light, thus, making a network run more smoothly and efficiently.
Testing services – The constant evolution of high-speed optical fiber systems raises the level of testing, accuracy, and precision required on the fiber infrastructure to support these applications and services.